The Power of New

“Emergence” is  the basic fact of our existence. It begins with, and dovetails with “childlike wonder”. This true magic of self and world is obstructed and even entirely disabled in many of us through trauma, social conditioning and this age  of domineering rationality. Psychology and Systems Theory speak of “emergents” as  unexplainable, unpredictable, and even  unimaginable leaps in our personal and collective realities.
A powerful symbol for this intrinsic nature, from the great wisdom tradition of our world is the “golden flower”.  Can you imagine, out of space and light, our original nature conceives, gestates, births and blossoms continuously. Consider how “epiphanies”, sudden intuitive perceptions, revelations, inspirations, dreams,and synchronicity,  have orchestrated the song of your life.

The Power of New, is a re-visioning process,  opening portals to our “golden flower”. All of our faculties, functions and dimensions of experience have embedded within, this trans-formative capacity. The power of new unlocks and unblocks our natural luminous genius, allowing it to emerge.

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